In 2002, an artistically inclined seventeen-year-old girl comes of age in Sacramento, California

"Oh Lucy!" is a 2017 comedy-drama film directed, produced, and co-written by Atsuko Hirayanagi, based on her 2014 short film of the same name. The story centers on a lonely, chain-smoking office worker in Tokyo who develops a crush on her English teacher. When he suddenly disappears, she decides to follow him to Los Angeles. Instead, she finds herself in the United States accompanied by her sister, niece, and her English teacher. The film premiered in the Critics' Week section at the 2017 Cannes Film Festival and was released theatrically in the United States on March 2, 2018.

During the 1960s, a renegade Scottish psychiatrist courts controversy within his profession for his approach to the field, and for the unique community he creates for his patients to inhabit.

Upon his return from serving a eight-year sentence in prison, reformed gang leader, S. Lance Ingram, struggles to adapt to a changed Harlem. Unable to use the technological skills he acquired in jail, Lance is forced to accept a position delivering meals for a local food bank. It is here that he befriends Ms. Maddy, 75, a past beauty with a irreverent and hardened shell to whom he delivers dinners. Through her, Lance finds hope, relearning the joys of life and living despite the outwardly bedeviled society in which they find themselves

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