Mufasa: The Lion King is an upcoming musical drama film from the United States, written and directed by Jeff Nathanson, produced by Pastel Productions and Walt Disney Pictures. The 2019 version of the 1994 film The Lion King is both a prequel and a sequel to this photorealistic animated picture.
A young woman named Elphaba, misinterpreted due to her green color, has a strange yet deep friendship with Glinda, a student who has an unwavering ambition for fame. Their lives soon come to a crossroads after they meet the Wizard of Oz, and their romance soon comes to an end.
After getting an unexpected call from her ancestors who guided her, Moana sets out for the distant waters of Oceania.
After an unanticipated family catastrophe, the Deetz family returns to Winter River in three generations. Still plagued by Beetlejuice, Lydia's life quickly takes a drastic turn when her disobedient teenage daughter finds a secret afterlife portal. The cheeky demon joyfully returns to wreak his own brand of mayhem upon hearing his name three times.
An improbable alliance is formed between an infamous outlaw and a group of unlikely heroes upon her return to her home planet. In order to locate a missing girl who is in possession of a key to unfathomable power, they team together to fight off hostile bandits and alien monsters.
It centers on a teenage Sophie who persuades JJ to accompany her on a school excursion, and the two of them become pawns in a global terrorist scheme that targets CIA Chief David Kim and his son Collin, who happens to be Sophie's closest friend.
During her turbulent relationship with Blake Fielder-Civil, singer Amy Winehouse finds inspiration to create and record the ground-breaking album "Back to Black."
A paramedic in New York City named Cassandra Webb begins to exhibit clairvoyant abilities. She is forced to face new information about her past and defends three young ladies from an unknown enemy who wishes them dead.
Bob Marley, a Jamaican singer-songwriter, rises above hardship to become the world's most well-known reggae performer.

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