Tashi, a former tennis player turned coach, has elevated her husband from mediocrity to grand slam fame. To snap him out of a recent losing streak, she enters him into a challenger event, one of the lowest levels on the pro tour. Tensions escalate when he faces Patrick, his former best friend and Tashi's ex-boyfriend, across the net—a once-promising player now burnt out.
In a dystopian future America, a team of military-embedded journalists races against time to reach Washington, D.C. before rebel factions overtake the White House.
Former baseball player Ray Waller moves into a new home with his wife and two kids after being forced into an early retirement due to a degenerative illness. In addition to being a source of entertainment for the kids, he hopes that the backyard pool will serve as physical therapy for him. But soon after, a sinister secret from the house's history unleashes a terrible force that pulls the family into an unstoppable nightmare.

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