A temporary employee is dispatched on a human mission to establish a colony on the icy planet Niflheim. Following the death of one iteration, a new body is created, retaining the majority of his memories.
Mufasa: The Lion King is an upcoming musical drama film from the United States, written and directed by Jeff Nathanson, produced by Pastel Productions and Walt Disney Pictures. The 2019 version of the 1994 film The Lion King is both a prequel and a sequel to this photorealistic animated picture.
After getting an unexpected call from her ancestors who guided her, Moana sets out for the distant waters of Oceania.
It centers on a teenage Sophie who persuades JJ to accompany her on a school excursion, and the two of them become pawns in a global terrorist scheme that targets CIA Chief David Kim and his son Collin, who happens to be Sophie's closest friend.
A paramedic in New York City named Cassandra Webb begins to exhibit clairvoyant abilities. She is forced to face new information about her past and defends three young ladies from an unknown enemy who wishes them dead.
The cultural revolution that occurred in the 1960s England is explored in this documentary.
A 17-year-old girl suffers from a condition that prevents her from being out in the sunlight.
12 Strong tells the story of the first Special Forces team deployed to Afghanistan after 9/11; under the leadership of a new captain, the team must work with an Afghan warlord to take down the Taliban
During the 1960s, a renegade Scottish psychiatrist courts controversy within his profession for his approach to the field, and for the unique community he creates for his patients to inhabit.
After a blight causes the fish and plants on her island to begin to die, Moana, the daughter of Chief Tui, sets out on a quest to retrieve the goddess Te Fitti's heart from the demigod Maui.
Carl, an elderly widower, sets out on an expedition in his flying house to find Paradise Falls, his wife's ideal location, with the assistance of boy scout Russell
Best friends Sulley and Mike work for an energy company in a world of monsters, and part of their job description is to frighten kids. But the arrival of a human girl severely upends their way of life.
A naive hustler travels from Texas to New York City to seek personal fortune, finding a new friend in the process.