Ballerina, an anticipated American neo-noir action thriller, is directed by Len Wiseman and penned by Shay Hatten. This film represents the fifth installment in the John Wick franchise and functions as a spin-off, taking place between the narratives of John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum and John Wick: Chapter 4.
A college student, tormented by a brutal and persistent nightmare, returns home in search of the individual who may possess the ability to end the cycle of death and rescue her family from the horrific fate that looms over them.
A temporary employee is dispatched on a human mission to establish a colony on the icy planet Niflheim. Following the death of one iteration, a new body is created, retaining the majority of his memories.
The black hedgehog Shadow, who looks a lot like Sonic, is driven by anger and revenge.
Mufasa: The Lion King is an upcoming musical drama film from the United States, written and directed by Jeff Nathanson, produced by Pastel Productions and Walt Disney Pictures. The 2019 version of the 1994 film The Lion King is both a prequel and a sequel to this photorealistic animated picture.
A young woman named Elphaba, misinterpreted due to her green color, has a strange yet deep friendship with Glinda, a student who has an unwavering ambition for fame. Their lives soon come to a crossroads after they meet the Wizard of Oz, and their romance soon comes to an end.
After getting an unexpected call from her ancestors who guided her, Moana sets out for the distant waters of Oceania.
As the well-known pop singer Skye Riley gets ready to go on a global tour, she starts having strange and frightening experiences. Skye finds herself confronted by her past due to the mounting tragedies and the demands of celebrity.
A dream holiday in a beautiful country house becomes a psychological nightmare.
A rock star retreats to a cliffside house on Cyprus following the failure of his comeback album, only to discover that his new life is complicated by guests and an old flame.
It centers on a teenage Sophie who persuades JJ to accompany her on a school excursion, and the two of them become pawns in a global terrorist scheme that targets CIA Chief David Kim and his son Collin, who happens to be Sophie's closest friend.
A marketing executive and a NASA official exchange passionate words while the other is getting ready for the Apollo 11 moon landing.
Young Furiosa is taken from the Green Place of Many Mothers and given over to a large motorcycle gang under the command of the warlord Dementus. They discover the Immortan Joe-led Citadel while sweeping through the Wasteland. As the two despots struggle for control, Furiosa eventually finds herself in a never-ending struggle to get home.
A paramedic in New York City named Cassandra Webb begins to exhibit clairvoyant abilities. She is forced to face new information about her past and defends three young ladies from an unknown enemy who wishes them dead.
"Wonka" tells the story of a young Willy Wonka (played by Timothée Chalamet) and his early adventures, including how he met the Oompa-Loompas. The film explores Wonka's journey and escapades before he opens the world's most famous chocolate factory.
Miles Morales defends the city as Spider-Man after becoming superpowered by a spider bite. He soon encounters doppelgängers and becomes entangled in a titanic struggle to preserve the multiverse.
The cultural revolution that occurred in the 1960s England is explored in this documentary.

A 17-year-old girl suffers from a condition that prevents her from being out in the sunlight.

Simon Spier keeps a huge secret from his family, his friends and all of his classmates: he's gay. When that secret is threatened, Simon must face everyone and come to terms with his identity.

Follows the story of teenager Billy Bloom who, despite attending an ultra conservative high school, makes the decision to run for homecoming queen

A troubled woman living in an isolated community finds herself pulled between the control of her oppressive family and the allure of a secretive outsider suspected of a series of brutal murders. Guided by their families, they enter the perilous word of politics and, in the process, learn a thing or two about love.

In 2002, an artistically inclined seventeen-year-old girl comes of age in Sacramento, California


strange black entity from another world bonds with Peter Parker and causes inner turmoil as he contends with new villains, temptations, and revenge.

During the 1960s, a renegade Scottish psychiatrist courts controversy within his profession for his approach to the field, and for the unique community he creates for his patients to inhabit.

After a blight causes the fish and plants on her island to begin to die, Moana, the daughter of Chief Tui, sets out on a quest to retrieve the goddess Te Fitti's heart from the demigod Maui.

The adventures of writer Newt Scamander in New York's secret community of witches and wizards seventy years before Harry Potter reads his book in school.

Carl, an elderly widower, sets out on an expedition in his flying house to find Paradise Falls, his wife's ideal location, with the assistance of boy scout Russell

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